Reduce glare in your home or office
Posted on - September 22, 2022Sitting by a big window, looking out at the world – it’s one of life’s little pleasures.
And in the work environment lots of windows and glass letting in all that natural daylight can make the drudgery of the everyday grind that much more bearable.
But, when the sun is out – glare through your windows can spoil everything.
You can hardly see your emails with the sun’s glare bouncing off your computer screen. Don’t even think about trying to use projector or TV — sunlight streaming through your windows makes it almost impossible.
It’s an unpleasant fact that at the very time of year where we are trying to make the most of the remaining good weather — glare from the sun renders many workplaces virtually unusable.
The glare at this time of year can be unpleasant, and unwanted.
It can even adversely affect productivity.
So – what can you do?
You can use blinds of course. They tend to ruin the effect of the glazed environment. You have all those lovely windows and maybe even a great view — but have to keep the blinds pulled right down to make them properly effective.
It’s not ideal. And they can be very costly to install – particularly for large areas.
Constantly messing with the blinds so they prevent the glare — but not blocking out all the natural daylight – is a pain. And if they do need to be pulled all the way down most of the day, the entire office is plunged into darkness.
Blinds also create a gap between themselves and the glass. Throughout the day the air in this gap will heat up — creating further discomfort and increasing temperatures.
Don’t laugh. This is a reasonable solution to issues of glare. Not only are sunglasses very economical and easy to install, they are stylish, allow for individuals own taste, portable (so can be used in more than one trouble-spot) and are easy to use.
High Tech developments even allow you to use lenses that react to the light — so controlling the glare is automatic.
Simple and effective.
Seriously though – the best solution is window film. This can not only reduce the glare — but also cut out the heat by up to 70%. It’s simple, elegant and cost effective — and doesn’t impact visually or practically on the workspace.
Hi-Tech Window Film, professionally installed, prevents the transference of heat through your glass so stops the room heating up in the first place. You don’t need to cool it down — it’s pleasant enough already J
No need to pull the blinds, or splash out on designer sunglasses.
Window film can help all year round — managing heat and glare in the warmer months and reducing glare and adding insulation in the cooler months.
When it comes to reducing glare in your workplace, window film is undoubtedly the best solution.
Want to know more?
Durable are the oldest window film company in Europe, and are the experts on all glazing issues. We’ve been in the business for over 50 years. Anything you need to know about glass — ask us.
Window film is relatively quick to install, has minimal impact to surrounding infrastructure and the work can be carried out with little downtime.
We can provide a full glass audit too — surveying all your glass to make sure it is safe, compliant and fit for purpose.
Call us
Durable — good with glass
0118 989 5201 | mail@durable.co.uk