50 years and still going strong

Posted on - October 28, 2019

50 years is a long time.

We should know.

We’ve been in the window film game for that long.


Memory Lane

This year is our 50th Anniversary — so we thought it’d be nice to look back through the archives.

A walk down Memory lane.

Check out some blasts from the past.

Sort of like the Facebook 10 year challenge — but to the max.


Durable Markings

The pre-cursor to Durable as we know it.

Durable Markings printed, produced and supplied signs.


Durable Solar Control was born

Windows became more important…

Proof – a very early order!

Wonder what that order would be worth today ??

Back then Reading FC were still known as The Biscuitmen (because of the towns Huntley & Palmers biscuit factory) and not The Royals as they are now (because they are in the royal county of Berkshire).

True fact.


Durable Solar Control became a limited company

Great branding…

The Farm Road premises in Henley looking resplendent (notice the top notch cutting-edge vehicles)

This was to be our home for more than 15 years.

1979 Party People 

At Durable we’ve always liked a bit of a party.

Any excuse to celebrate tbh.

Always ahead of the fashion trends (see Exhibit A — nicely Windsored tie. Do you recognise anyone from this shot from a party in 1979 ?


More partying and socialising at a Summer BBQ at Henley Regatta

The Borg v McEnroe final was on and the ‘girls’ all wanted to watch the match – so a portable tv was set up in the tent.

It was a fateful year in other ways too . Peter joined us…


Durable move to Caversham office

More people

Caversham office about 1987

Nik Sanders on his first stint as a film salesman and Pam Williams

Roy Holmes – any excuse to expose himself

Late 80’s

Party at Leander club in Henley – girls in picture – Lynn and Trudi & that Bloke again…

Annual inter company sales v installers football match (or occasional cricket match) – Mark towner, Ian Penfold and Andy Essam in the back ground – and a case of ‘spot the bum’ (no prizes for getting it right however)

Management meeting held at the Dormy before big social event in 1989. Alison; Tony Hutchins; Dave Cox; Nick Micuta; Ian Penfold; Peter Johnson; That bloke; Claudia; Pam

Mark Reece, Nik Sandars and Keith Cross 

Ian and Gill Penfold 

Early 90’s

More party people 1991 – who do you recognise??

Dave Cox on Company trip

A typical Durable Training Day from the early ‘90s

Standard — Penfold party piece…

Steve the morning after one of our events feeling sorry for himself

1997 – another party…

Lynn – resting or one-too-many…?

Nick Sandars and Peter Birks 

The inimitable Roy Chegwin

Tony Shep and Stuart Stephenson

Dave Foale  

Our Sarah showing a bit of leg

Jim Neale. He always came to work like this tbh

Mark Towner and Roy Chegwin during the ‘war’

Into the new Millennium

No Y2K issues but the start of a new millennium for Durable.

Tony Barnes on the ground and Andy Essam (who worked for us for 20 years) kneeling over him


The late great Tony Hutchins and Pam Williams at her 60th with Shep
pontificating as normal


The vehicle tinting side of the business — Autotint — relocate to Winnersh

Sales meeting 2004 – Mr Barnes as attentive as ever…


Durable move the rest of the business to the Winnersh location

First Aid again – our Kev having a go at CPR. Note to self “Do not have heart failure onsite”

The Present – and the future!

So as you can see we have been around a long time.

And we’re still providing the same unbeatable product and service as ever.

In fact in 2017 SolarGard gave us a ‘Lifetime Achievement’ Award (we’d only been working with them for 45 years. We’re waiting for our 3M award – that’s an even longer time;).

Here’s to many years to come!