
Anti Heat Window Film

Heat from the sun’s rays causes discomfort and adversely affects productivity. Research show that productivity drops by 40% at 75°F, compared to 68°F.

It takes 3 times the energy to cool a space than it does to heat it. Anti-heat window film keeps the heat outside the building – giving you substantial energy savings.


Anti-heat window film from Durable..

  • Is a simple and effective solution.
  • Can reduce workplace accidents – which can increase by 30% at 75°F. It is cost effective, simple to maintain, less obtrusive than traditional blinds, and still lets in most of the natural light. 
  • Can pay for itself within 2-5 years – and helps lower carbon emissions.
  • Is available in a wide range of finishes, each offering a different level of appearance and performance.
  • Is part of our range of Solar Control window films, which can also be installed with added safety and security features too.


Durable are the experts. Call 0118 989 5201, email mail@durable.co.uk, or fill in the form at the foot of this page today!