Are your windows a horror story?
Posted on - September 27, 2016Unprotected glazing can leave you exposed to break-ins, unscrupulous or opportunist thieves, unwanted prying eyes and a host of potential problems that you could just do without…
Whilst we don’t want to be scaremongers and worry you unduly – windows, doors and other glazed areas are weak spots in any building. Business or at home.
Even without ne’erdo-wells and vagabonds (are those still proper words??) things like gas explosions, or spontaneous glass breakage can cause damage to property – and people!
BUT the good news is window film from Durable offers a range of simple and effective solutions: Safety, Security, Anti-shatter, Bomb-blast, Privacy and mirrored films – all available with expert advice and installation.
So – avoid the horror stories and call durable today to see how we can help.
We’re not saying our film will stop monsters, flying saucers, 50 foot women, Werewolves or Frankenstein, but at least you will be protected from most of the more traditional, everyday problems 🙂
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