Awards, Awards, Awards
Posted on - January 12, 2020When it comes to awards – this is the silly season.
Seriously – Golden Globes, BAFTAs, Oscars… it’s an endless procession of self-congratulation and ego-massage, emotional speeches, soap-box ranting and general luvvie-ness.
The excitement and hype and the best-dress/worst-dress what-was-she-thinking event of the red carpet.
Film stars. They love an award.
If it wasn’t enough they get paid shed-loads of money to basically ‘play pretend’ for a couple hours – they need to have that confirmation that their peers appreciate the skill and artistry they bring to the screen.
They are not just shallow celebs – but true artists and important role models.
We’re probably with Ricky Gervais on that one.
There are big winners and sad losers – and of course veterans prowling the perimeter – some looking of a late chance to finally get something (a lifetime achievement or hall of fame type thing) , some hauled out of the shadows to present or co-present – and it’ll all happen again next year.
50 years ago Midnight Cowboy not only won an Oscar for Best Director for John Schlesinger but also beat Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid for Best Motion Picture (though the latter did win best song and musical score for ‘Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head’ by Burt Bacharach and Best Screenplay for William Goldman).
John Wayne won Best Actor (True Grit) and Maggie Smith won Best Actress (The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie)

Cary Grant got an Honorary Award – presented by Frank Sinatra.
50 years
AND talking of 50 years – our lovely friends at 3M have just given us an award – for 50 years working with them in the film business.
Window film of course – not motion pictures.
Although through the years there’d be some anecdotes that would be worthy of the big screen for sure 😉
‘In Recognition of 50 Years Outstanding Service’
50 years is a very long time.
It’s half a century.
5 decades.
Roughly the same length of time it takes Nick to get a round in.
But here we are 50 years later still working alongside 3M – providing top-drawer advice, service and installation for their top-quality products.

Now it’s a new year and we look forward to working with 3M for another 50 years when we can all celebrate the momentous event together – maybe do a joint party at Tony’s 150th birthday bash…
Durable and 3M
Good with glass.