Posted on - September 7, 2023If anyone was in any doubt that climate change is real they only have to look back at the crazy weather the world has been having over the last few years.
Humans definitely have a big part to play in how we got here and where it goes next
Things are getting way hotter and it’s only going to get worse.
A lot of Greece, Canada, France, Spain and the US were literally on fire.
And we in the UK are not immune from the extreme weather.
Pretty soon the forecasts will be all heatwaves or floods or snow storms.
Not scaremongering just facts really.
The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC] report out recently makes for grim reading and should be a wake-up call for the world.
Governments need to act fast.
But we all need to do our bit.
The heat is on
Heat from the sun through windows has always been a problem.
The glass acts just like a greenhouse – trapping the hot air in and continuing to warm it up.
Solar control window film is a simple and effective solution that anyone with heat and glare issues can benefit from – today!
High-tech specialist window film can reduce the heat by up to 80%, and almost completely eradicate harmful UV rays at the same time.
Take a look:

Heat through windows can make your home unbearable and things can be even worse in the workplace – with the risk of accidents and injury rocketing in the hot weather.
The energy needed for constant use of air conditioning and fans etc, only makes things worse.
Durable have been at the forefront of solar control for over 50 years.
We are the oldest window film company in Europe.
We are the ideal partner to help you do your bit to slow climate change and provide a more pleasant environment for your family, friends and colleagues.
Call us today to find out more 0118 989 5201