Cool for school
Posted on - October 10, 2024A big part of what we do involves Solar Control.
Heat and glare through windows can be an absolute nightmare at times.
Large windows, south facing, makes for a light and airy environment. But as well as bringing in all that natural light – they can also bring unwanted conditions when the sun is out.
This large school in Slough was experiencing just this kind of problem.
The building (previously occupied by tech company Blackberry) has a number of glass works on one face which were suffering with the adverse effects of solar heat & glare.
Initially we were called in to manage this issue – so staff and students weren’t forced to endure uncomfortable conditions.
The most cost-effective and beneficial solution was an old favourite – Solar Gard Silver 20 solar control window film – which cuts out up to 61% of the heat and an amazing 81% glare!
Even while the installation was taking place staff and pupils could feel the difference. So, the school called us back in to measure & quote for another two large elevations of glazing – which have since been ordered and fitted.
Solar control
Even at this time of year, heat – and particularly glare – from the sun can be a nuisance and debilitating, making the working environment unpleasant.
Why not get Durable to do a glazing audit – a full glass survey highlighting any potential problems?
There are so many risks with glass that it’s important to make sure you are safe, secure and legally compliant.
Call us today!
Good with glass.
Call 0118 989 5201 | mail@durable.co.uk