Crowd control
Posted on - December 7, 2018No one really likes crowds do they?
Sure, they add atmosphere at a footy game or rock concert.
But — when you need somewhere to park, or want to get to the bar…?
And wherever there is a crowd — there is a risk.
If you are responsible for any public space where crowds can gather then you also have a duty of care.
The government recommend that locations where many people gather are protected against the effects of a terrorist event and provide information through NaCTSO’s Crowded Places guidance.
Explosions involving glass can be very dangerous.
Blast protection
One of the government’s recommendations is to assess the vulnerability of glass in the event of an explosion as it is generally less robust than other building materials, and historically accounts for most injuries sustained.
We have assessed and protected numerous public locations that fall within the crowded places remit. Including hotels, theatres and stadiums. Our assessments omit the glass found to already provide suitable protection, and the blast protection film we subsequently apply cost-effectively and efficiently protects the vulnerable and hazardous glass.
In addition the film has also upgraded the safety of the glass to protect against physical impact to comply with the requirements of the Work Place Regulations act that also effects public locations.
Explosive devices are often indiscriminately planted to create the most damage to people and property. Blast protection window film is essential for all retail areas, shopping malls, city centres, stadia, theatres — in fact where ever there is a crowd of people.
Accidental explosions
Tens of thousands of explosions happen every year involving chemicals, containers, gas pipes, etc. In the event of an explosion 90% of injuries can be caused by flying glass. All industrial centres, plants, factories and warehouses at risk should install blast protection window film.
In addition the film has also upgraded the safety of the glass to protect against physical impact to comply with the requirements of the Work Place Regulations act that also effects public locations.
Should an unfortunate event occur, you not only need to be sure that you’ve done everything possible to safeguard those in your care – but it’s also important that you can prove and document the steps you have taken. It’s a duty of care. It’s important. It can’t be overlooked. Failure can result in litigation and heartache.
Many buildings do not meet the requirements of Regulation 14 of the Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) 1992 regulations or the Duty of Care Act – increasing the potential for prosecution in the event of accident or injury.
Regulation 14 states that any transparent window, surface, wall or partition should be protected against breakage and be made apparent (basically made so you can see it..)
Spontaneous glass breakage
Another potential problem and danger to the public.
Due to faults in the manufacturing process (nickel sulphide inclusion), toughened glass can spontaneously shatter. The shear weight of toughened glass makes this particularly dangerous in overhead glass such as atria. Window Film correctly installed protects against this.
Make sure your glass is safe
To make sure all of your glass is safe, legal and compliant why not ask Durable for a Glass Audit?
It’s the simplest and best way to know exactly what issues you have — and how to fix them.
Blast Protection window film
Take another look at this 3M video.
It really does show clearly how the proper use of professionally installed window film can make a huge difference.
Durable help keep Etihad safe
Take a look at this article in the Mirror:
Manchester City ‘to install anti-shatter glass’ at the Etihad in bid to make ground bombproof.
Completed on time and on budget, Durable recently installed safety window film to premier league football club Manchester City’s Etihad stadium.
As the oldest window film company in Europe — Durable were an obvious choice for the job. Safety is always paramount at large public venues. Football stadia and alike have a duty of care to make sure their glass is fit for purpose and protected.
Protecting your glass