Don’t sweat it…
Posted on - July 28, 2017Beach weather — but you’re melting like ice cream in your workplace.
Window film is the answer.
It’s your mid-morning break, but the tea is not the only thing steaming.
Office temperatures are soaring. Your air-con (if you have any) is struggling to cope and employees and customers are feeling the heat.
You were hoping for a rise in profits — but a sudden rise in temperature can seriously affect that. Research shows that when workplaces reach temperatures over 30ºC productivity starts to nose dive. Staff are less focused, need to take more breaks and can become flustered or short-tempered — which isn’t good for customer services.
And that’s not all.
The risk of accidents is much higher when it’s too hot in the office.
Light-headed and frazzled by the excessive heat — everything seems like really hard work. In factories or warehouses etc, where heavy or potentially dangerous machinery are involved, the problem is definitely no joke.
“Consequences of overheated factories and offices can include “discomfort, stress, irritability and headaches …extra strain on the heart and lungs, dizziness and fainting and heat cramps due to loss of water and salt”, and the resulting reduction in alertness and attention spans can contribute to workplace accidents and fatalities.”
Here’s the good news — window film professionally installed by Durable — can reduce heat — and glare – through your windows by up to 80%. Who’d have thought? Something as seemingly simple as see-through sticky plastic film could achieve such fantastic results?
It sounds and looks like a simple solution — and it is — but don’t be fooled.
Window film has years of R&D and science behind it. Its and incredibly complex, hi-tech material. Yet — it’s relatively quick and easy to install.
A pretty amazing product really.
Yep. It’s wafer thin. Once applied its practically invisible. It works with any glass, anywhere.
Durable are the oldest window film company in Europe.
You could say we’re good at sticking around (pun intended).
We have 50 years of experience to make sure you get the right advice, products and service.
Window film cuts out up to 99% of the sun’s harmful UV rays — so you’ll be protecting soft furnishings, materials and artwork too.
Even better news. Window film is very economical — so it won’t cost the earth. AND because it manages the adverse effects of the sun so well there are often further savings on things like the cost of running air-conditioning (something else that can soar as much as the temperatures!).
No need to get hot under the collar.
Don’t let the summer sun cause problems in your workplace. Ask Durable for a Full Glass Audit — they’ll check and analyse your glass and give you a full report with recommendations on the best, most economical ways to keep your cool