Room with a vue
Posted on - May 14, 2018Typical!
The weather is all over the place and as soon as the sun comes out for more than 5 minutes it’s roasting indoors.
The owner of this home in Berkshire was a young mum-to-be — who loved her garden room but didn’t like the idea of excess heat and glare causing discomfort to her new arrival.
Or the dog to be honest… (well it is in Bark-shire)
It’s a lovely room – but daytime temperatures inside were unpleasant, not to mention the annoying glare.
She called Durable, who suggested installing film to the glass causing the problems.
We fitted True Vue 30 – it cuts out up to 80% of the sun’s heat & glare but is hardly noticeable when installed — as you can see from this picture:
(the first 3 panes on the right have film – the 2 on the left are just glass)
Leaving blinds in the shade
Window film is more effective than fitting blinds – simple to install and maybe even cheaper.
Kids stuff
Now the new baby can enjoy the summer sun without mum worrying about heat or glare or harmful UV rays.
And Fido can safely remain bone idle – lazing all day chasing imaginary bunnies without getting heat stroke.
Call us
Durable have nearly 50 years of experience in dealing with glass.
We are the oldest window film company in Europe.
We are an authority on glass issues, trusted by the likes of the MoD, English Heritage, National Trust and more.