Security & Safety for glass
Posted on - August 17, 2022It’s a rough old world out there. Help prevent opportunistic crime and heighten safety levels with window film from Durable.
Most buildings have a huge amount of glass – how can you be sure that it is safe and fit-for-pupose?
Blast protection window film
Amazing hi-tech window film that protects even when the worst does happen.
Accidental explosions
Tens of thousands of explosions happen every year involving chemicals, containers, gas pipes, etc. In the event of an explosion 90% of injuries can be caused by flying glass. All industrial centres, plants, factories and warehouses at risk should install blast protection window film.
Terrorist attack
Explosive devices are often indiscriminately planted to create the most damage to people and property. Blast protection window film is essential for all retail areas, shopping malls, city centres, stadia, theatres — in fact wherever there is a crowd of people.
With the responsibility and weight of duty of care, it’s not surprising so many organisations are updating and improving their safety and security levels
The constant possibility of some kind of terrorist threat is an unwanted, unpleasant but unavoidable fact of life. So, the desire for greater peace of mind and better protection should the worst happen is understandable.
Shards of flying glass can cause huge damage to people and property.
The need to minimize the risk is obvious.
Take another look at this 3M video. It really does show clearly how the proper use of professionally installed window film can make a huge difference.
Why not get Durable to give you a full glazing audit? We can tell you exactly where the problems may be, what solutions are available and how we can help.
Security window film
Outstandingly resilient window film that gives your glass unbelievable protection.
In nearly half of all forced entries access is gained through glass. Security window film dramatically increases the strength of glass to deter intrusion.
Buildings under threat
In certain locations buildings are exposed to vandalism and this often means there is a security threat as well. Window film provides an effective and visual protection.
In many situations a clear view into a room is not desirable and is a temptation to the opportunist thief. Privacy window films come in a range of tints, smoked, frosted, translucent, opaque or mirrored finishes to obscure visibility.
Whilst we don’t want to be scaremongers and worry you unduly – windows, doors and other glazed areas are weak spots in any building. Business or at home.
Even with the most positive of outlook and care – things like gas explosions, or spontaneous glass breakage can cause damage to property – and people!
BUT the good news is window film from Durable offers a range of simple and effective solutions: Safety, Security, Anti-shatter, Bomb-blast, and Privacy films – all available with expert advice and installation.
Whatever your problems with glass – Durable has the answer.
Get yourself a glass health check today.
Book a glass audit from Durable.
Durable — good with glass
0118 989 5201 | mail@durable.co.uk