Shining example
Posted on - January 3, 2018How to keep your cool in the office…
The prospect of moving in 30% more staff into their vast open plan office – and needing to make sure those working close to the glass wall on this south west facing facade were shaded from the intense heat of the afternoon sun — was a little daunting for this client.
They also needed to reduce the sun’s heat gain load on the cooling system so it could deal with the increase in heat from all those extra bodies and computers without the need to spend thousands updating the cooling system.
Keeping up appearances
Oh and they wanted whatever we did to have a minimal impact on the external appearance of the building.
Once again we suggested externally applied Stainless Steel 40 film — reducing the heat of the sun by 47%, whilst creating a neutral grey low reflection finish.
The picture doesn’t do it justice to be honest.
The reflection is actually minimal.
And those of us with bald heads know that the camera always makes things appear shinier than they are in real life.
Which really sucks…
On the plus side – currently bald is a good look however
Ahead of the game — Our Kev
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If you have a problem with heat or glare — or any issues with your windows, doors or glazed areas — call Durable today — we’re good with glass.
Durable have nearly 50 years of experience in dealing with glass.
We are the oldest window film company in Europe.
We are an authority on glass issues, trusted by the likes of the MoD, English Heritage, National Trust and more.