Shining examples…
Posted on - April 6, 2020It’s nearly Spring.
Buds on the trees, warmer temperatures, and the sun is starting to shine.
Obviously you can’t actually enjoy it fully because you’re already half mad with lockdown claustrophobia and boredom.
BUT at least the weather is nice.
AND when the isolation is over, who knows, you may even be glad to be going back to the office to work.
After all this social distancing maybe you will chat with Brian from accounts instead of hiding in the stationery cupboard.
Perhaps that 9am team meeting to discuss the new software implementation, project developments and figures for Q1 will be something to look forward to.
Perhaps not.
Anyway – one thing we know will still be a big issue whenever you are back in the workplace is the amount of unwanted glare from the sun shining through your windows and making your environment unpleasant and uncomfortable.
The sun’s rays streaming through windows makes computers, TVs and monitors hard to see, hurts eyes and causes headaches.

It also contributes to rising temperatures in the office, which can cause further distress.
There is a simple and effective solution.
Solar Control window film.
Technologically advanced and professionally installed by Durable, window film is the perfect way to manage unwanted glare and keep you cool in the workplace.
Durable are experts in Solar Control.
We have been in the business for over 50 years.
We are the oldest window film company in Europe.
We are very good with glass.
Don’t suffer and struggle with the adverse effects of the sun – call Durable today!
And if you’ve run out of ideas on how to fill your time at home during lockdown – why not check out our website and see how we have helped other companies manage their glass and glazing issues – and see what else we could do for you?

Adding a touch of class to your glass.