This is a stick up…
Posted on - January 4, 2023What’s worse than things coming unstuck and peeling off when you don’t want them to?
…Probably the opposite: things staying resolutely stuck when you need to remove them.
Obviously Lynn’s sunbathing means she is no stranger to peeling, and Mark is swift to remove his clothing at any opportune moment….
However – it is an unfortunate fact of life that whichever is preferable will likely not be the case.
The rule of sod – or Murphy – depending on your geographical persuasion.
‘Scraping the barrel’ is a term derived from the historical practice of storing food in barrels – when food supplies ran low, only what was on the very bottom of the barrel remained, and had to be removed by scraping.
The common use now means to be reduced to using things of the poorest quality because there is nothing else available.
Window film
But even if your window film is top quality – it won’t last forever.
You need professionals to ascertain if the film is still functional, and if not, remove and replace it.
Which isn’t always as easy as it may appear.
Take this job for example…
Getting into scrapes
The film on the northern face of this building is far less exposed to sunlight [which degrades the film] so came off pretty easily as a whole sheet in seconds.
However – the video shows how the film on the southern face [which is much more exposed to high levels of sunlight] came off.
This one pane took over half an hour to remove the base film – and then scrape the adhesive off.
Not only does degradation mean it costs more to remove the film – it also makes for a very noisy process. The weak film no longer provides the intended safety levels – and the base film just tears instead of maintaining a protective barrier.
To the eye the film on the both elevations looked in good condition.
It wasn’t until we tested it, we discovered the difference.
It was amazing how badly the south-facing film had deteriorated.
If you have window film and think it may be more than ten years old – get it checked!
It’s probably still working perfectly well, and may last for another five to ten years – but some may have degraded – leaving you with a potential risk.
Better to be safe than sorry.
Get a Durable glass audit.
We check all your glass and film and provide a full report outlining any issues and how to address them – to make sure you are safe, legal and compliant.
Durable have been in the window film business for over 50 years.
We are the oldest window film company in Europe.
We are very good with glass.
Call us today for peace of mind.
0118 989 5201 | mail@durable.co.uk