Time for a health check?
Posted on - September 29, 2022Everybody should get a health check every now and then.
Particularly if we’re getting older or notice any little problems.
Well — it’s exactly the same with window film…
How old is your window film and is it still effective?
The health of your window film is very important.
To be effective and fit for purpose it needs to be performing as intended.
High Performing products
All of our film is top-quality, high-tech material — and, professionally installed, should provide excellent benefits for years.
Most films from Durable have a 12 year warranty and a 15+ year working life , however this is for the internally applied films the new external films have a 7 year warranty and a 10 year working life as they have to work harder against UV attack and the elements etc.
Pre 2014 the films would have had a 5 year warranty and a seven year life and should be checked.
Wearing out?
As things age they naturally degrade and wear out.
Over the past 20 years many schools have had safety window film applied to the external face of glass.
Maybe the glass was not accessible from the inside or the double-glazed window risk is from the outside [playground/ walk way] — and this, as we mentioned, does have a shorter working life than internal film.
Colleges, Universities, Hospitals, Council and Public Buildings, Offices, Warehouses, Factories — anywhere there is glass that has been treated with window film may need checking.
Play safe – get a check up
Durable are the experts in window film.
We’ve been working with glass for over 50 years.
We are the oldest window film company in Europe.
Our advice
External safety film fitted before 2010 should be checked to see if there is a visible degradation.
Films on the South and West elevations of buildings are most vulnerable and therefore should be checked sooner.
If in doubt please call Durable for a free evaluation.
We offer a complete Glass Audit — to check the health of all your glass windows, doors and partitions.
This survey gives you a full report providing you with all the information you need to make sure you are safe, compliant and legal.
When it comes to glass safety there is a duty of care to the public, employees and especially children.
Make sure your glass is safe
Call us today
Durable — good with glass
0118 989 5201 | mail@durable.co.uk