Too much of a good thing…?
Posted on - July 27, 2020Enjoying the lovely hot weather?
So are we.
But you can have too much of a good thing.
It’s all very well when you are prostrate by the pool with a cocktail or basting on the beach with the kids – but when the sun is belting down like this it’s no fun if you are indoors.
Particularly if you have a lot of windows.
And especially if they are south facing.
That’s exactly what these lovely people discovered.
The owners of this Hi-Tech house had spent a year renovating and getting it just how they wanted it.
But having finally moved in they found that the clear glass roof was letting in way too much heat.
The roof faces south – and spans two stories.
A lot of glass all capturing the most of the sun’s rays.
Solar control from Durable
Frazzled and frustrated they called us.
We quickly identified the problem and specified and treated the glass with Solar Gard TrueVue 15 film.
TrueVue creates a reflective outer surface – which significantly reduces the suns heat, whilst also managing the excessive glare and brightness.
It incorporates a special non-reflective coating on the inside – so the occupants can enjoy the view out to their wonderful gardens and back drop – day and night.

An elegant and simple solution we think.
Rectifying a problematic and uncomfortable issue – leaving an airy, light and practical environment – appropriate for such a beautiful home.

We are the experts
Durable have over 50 years in the window film business
We are the oldest window film company in Europe.
We are very good with glass.
Trusted partners with English Heritage, MoD and the National Trust – you know you can rely on us for top quality products and service.
Too hot at home?
Why not call us today and see how our solar control window film solutions can help you.
OR email us here : info@durable.co.uk