Towering inferno…?
Posted on - May 11, 2016It can get really REALLY hot in your office, workplace or conservatory when the sun’s out.
Particularly if you have a lot of south facing windows. It can be almost unbearable. It can feel like it might burst into flames…
Don’t call Steve McQueen – we have a simple and effective solution (anyway – he’s been dead for ages so it’d be pointless)
Applying Silver Mirror film to the windows can cut the heat gain by as much as 70%!!
East Cheshire Council benefited from just such an application…
… and The Sporting Lodge hotel was struggling to sell rooms with south west aspect as they became too hot in the summer months — durable apply silver 20 mirror film — problem solved.
So. Once again no need (unless you simply HAVE to) take your clothes off. Just call us.
Paul Newman, Steve McQueen, Faye Dunaway, William Holden, Robert Vaughan, Fred Astaire, Richard Chamberlain, Robert Wagner — proper durable Film Stars.