Unwanted distractions
Posted on - October 7, 2020Covid strikes again.
The recent surge in cases has got everyone on alert and heightened our anxiety levels.
Boris says we must work from home again if we can.
Some people were looking forward to going back to the office.
Others are happy to go back to working in their dressing gown.
But not everyone has a home office environment fit for a full-days work every day.
The home office can be cramped, uncomfortable, messy – and in some cases – overlooked.
Windows at ground level or in full view of neighbours and passers-by present a problem.
Apart from unprotected glazing putting you at risk of break-ins, unscrupulous or opportunist thieves, and unwanted prying eyes – they may make you feel exposed and can be a huge distraction…
On view
Nobody wants every Tom, Dick and Harry gawping at them whilst they are trying to finish that presentation or complete that report.
It’s kind of weird and does little to appease the already strange sensation that working from home can create for many.
Safe as houses
Luckily there is a simple and safe solution.
Privacy window film is the cost-effective way to fix this problem and is quick and easy to install.
Durable have set up a host of Covid-safe measures to make sure all customers have peace of mind. [see more info below]
The beauty of most of these privacy films is they applied externally – so our installation guys don’t even need to enter your house!

Wide range of privacy films
Durable have a wide range of mirrored, opaque and translucent window film – some almost completely invisible once installed.
COVID-19 safety
Like everyone else, we are taking extra measures to ensure we are keeping you and your family safe during this Coronavirus pandemic.
All our installers are experienced professionals and, along with all their usual concerns for general health and safety and risk assessment, are working to strict guidelines throughout this difficult period.
Our installers carry with them a safety kit containing disinfectant spray for cleaning tools and machines, gloves and masks, and hand gel – so they are always prepared on-site.
And of course all our team practice social distancing during any installation.
Please be assured – your safety is of the utmost importance.
Privacy films for you
Durable have a whole range of specialist Privacy films – which also provide added security – deterring potential opportunist thieves. We can even apply film which strengthens the glass so that any really determined ne-er do wells who might decide to try to break in find it’s not so easy!
Whilst we don’t want to be scaremongers and worry you unduly — windows, doors and other glazed areas are weak spots in any home, building or buisness.
Call us now – 0118 989 5201 or email us mail@durable.co.uk