Windows 10.0
Posted on - September 24, 2018Actually – no.
Not the Microsoft Operating system.
Thank heavens for that!
We’re talking the ‘made-of-glass-look-through’ kind.
As we are Europe’s oldest window film company we’ve spent an unhealthy amount of time with windows of all shapes and sizes over the years.
Helping to manage things like solar control (when things get to hot and there’s too much glare), or making things safer, more secure or more private.
We do nice things — like make glass more attractive, interesting or branded.
We do boring (but necessary) things — like audits, and making sure glass is compliant, safe and legal.
We’d really be at a bit of a loss if there were no windows.
And it’d be dark everywhere indoors!
(or draughty with all those gaping holes)
So we are glad there are so many windows for our window film stars to work with.
Windows in the movies
It seems the movie world loves windows too.
Here is our top 10 films with ‘Window’ in the title.
1: Rear Window
Alfred Hitchcocks 1954 classic thriller staring Grace Kelly and James Stewart.
2: The Woman in the Window
1944 film noir, directed by Fritz Lang and staring Edward G Robinson and Raymond Massey.
3: Secret Window
2004 psychological thriller staring Johnny Depp.
4: The Bedroom Window
Steve Guttenberg stars in this 1987 thriller, based on the novel ‘The Witnesses’.
5: Confessions of a Window Cleaner
Total classic British nonsense saucy comedy staring Robin Askwith.
The sequel “Confessions of a Window Film Installer” starring our Kev was sadly never finished…
Typical Durable installation team on way to a job
6: Fingers at the Window
Proper old classic film noir, action, mystery romance staring Basil Rathbone.
7: Open Window
Stars Cybill Shepherd and Elliott Gould. Pretty rubbish but does have Cybill Shepherd in it. The only saving grace is the 2014 film ‘Open Windows’ staring Elijah Wood is worse. And involves Microsoft Windows — so…
8: The Face at the Window
It’s that Raymond Massey again! He likes his window films! This one from 1932. I don’t remember it but Peter has the original poster he bought when the movie was first was released.
9: The Hundred Pound Window
It’d be worth more than that if it had our film on it. Anyway. This was one of Richard Attenboroughs films — a crime drama made in 1944.
10: The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared
We don’t really like this film — it’s just a great title — and Tony remembers the days when he was 100, so its sort of nostalgic.
There are a lot more films — loads if you count the foreign language ones — with ‘window’ titles. Many of them from the film noir genre. Hitchcock loved windows. Anything shot through a window, featuring a window, people looking out or noticing incidents through a window. Great, thriller suspense stuff.
Durable Film Stars
Of course a lot of the plot lines from these films would be completely redundant if all the windows involved had our film on it.
A decent mirror, opaque, tinted or any privacy window film would sort a lot of the problems out before they start.
May not be quite so entertaining though.
If you have any issues or problems with your glass or windows — then call us.
We can advise on all aspects of glazed environment-based issues — we are good with glass.
If you have any problems with Windows (the Microsoft thing) however, then please DON’T CALL US.
Our advice if you’re having PC problems is to throw the thing out of the window (make sure its open — particularly if it has some of our film on it or you’re likely to get it bounce back into your face), and go down the pub.
People are spending way too much time on computers and way too little time in their local. Pubs are closing down at an alarming rate — so effectively you’d be doing everyone a service.
In fact — we’re off to the pub now.