Without warning: The dangers of spontaneous glass breakage
Posted on - October 24, 2022Many modern buildings have glazed ceilings, atria and balustrading – that’s a lot of glass up above our heads!
But – this glass has a hidden danger: Spontaneous glass breakage
Without warning
Spontaneous glass breakage is when glass suddenly breaks, without warning – with the shattered material falling onto anyone present below.
This dangerous issue can be down to something called ‘Nickel Sulphide inclusion’. Tiny impurities within the glass, present during the manufacturing process, are affected by heat and other factors – ultimately causing the pane to fail catastrophically, posing a very real threat to anyone unlucky enough to be underneath when it does.
Damage to the outer surface of the glass can also cause the toughened glass to eventually fail. This may be days, months or even years after the damage has occurred. The microscopic cracks caused by the damage grow day by day until the glass finally fails.
Hard to detect
Whatever the cause – It’s very hard to detect and there is no warning prior to the breakage.
Safety window film is the safest and most economical way to protect against Spontaneous glass breakage. It has been thoroughly tested – both in real life and test conditions – to hold huge panes of toughened glass together within their frames should the worst happen and the glass suddenly break. (link to tests and case study page – we can sort this later but be good to do it fairly soon).
At risk
If you have experienced spontaneous glass breakage it is likely you have a duty of care to ensure the risk of future failures is mitigated and the environment is as safe as possible.
Anyone responsible for the safety of their building – particularly where there are incidences of high-positioned glass – could be at risk. Don’t take any chances – make sure you are safe.
Don’t delay!
Call us today on 0118 989 5201 or email mark@durable.co.uk