A frosty reception…

Posted on - November 16, 2021

No one likes a nosey neighbour.

And having your private life on public view is no fun.

But exposing your home to potential break-in or opportunistic thieves is even more worrying.

With the advent of camera door-bells there’s no longer any need to be able to see out of your front door in order to make sure whoever is outside is a welcome guest.

This also means that people outside – including unsavoury and unwanted intruders – cannot see in. They are unable to see if you are at home, and do not have clear vision of any valuables or tasty items worth purloining.

By simply installing a frosted privacy window film vision through the glass is impeded twenty four hours a day, and the good news is it still allows 65% of the daylight to come through. 

You get the privacy and security you need without losing the natural light.

Having this increased level of privacy is a win-win.

You and your family are not overlooked, and you have the peace of mind that this additional security will prevent, or at least deter any ne-er do wells. 

A smart alternative to cumbersome door curtains and alike.



Get the smart solution – privacy window film from Durable.


Good with glass