Action Station
Posted on - November 8, 2017Here’s the problem:
You want to let all the daylight in and see out of your windows
You don’t want passers-by to be able to look in because you have sensitive information on view.
So — our client had already installed blinds in their Ambulance Station control centre, but they stopped the occupants seeing out when they were pulled shut, and created a slightly claustrophobic environment – instead of the light and open atmosphere provided by the glass walls
Normally the answer would be to install a reflective film.
However – the landlord did not want a reflective film applied to the ground floor of this brand new building as it would clash with the style of the buildings facade
Clear winner
We suggested a non-reflective black finish film which blended in well with the other fabrics used for the faà§ade.
In addition to the film providing the privacy that was required it was also found to significantly reduce the brightness of the sunlight, giving hugely improved glare protection and making computer users sat next to the glass walls a clear view.
Call us
If you have a problem with your windows or a glass emergency — don’t call 999 — call us!
We’re good with glass.
AND our full glass survey can make sure you’re windows have a full bill of health and are fit for purpose.
Carry On
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