Home office blues

Posted on - May 6, 2020

So – the great lockdown continues.

Stay at home – protect the NHSsave lives, is the mantra repeated constantly nowadays. 

Anyway – as part of the ongoing social distancing regime we are also being advised to “Work from home if you can”.

So many more of us are doing just that.

It’s unearthed a few interesting things:

  • 1] The working day now starts at about 11am
  • 2] No tasks can be completed until after Cash in the Attic or Dickinson’s Real Deal has finished
  • 3] Pyjamas are perfectly acceptable work wear
  • 4] Skype and Zoom turn out to be ok for meetings – and you really didn’t need to travel 200 miles for a half hour catch-up every week
  • 5] Most people are not great at time management when there is DIY, gardening, that-book-you-haven’t-read-yet, home schooling, unending laundry, a PS4, and a wine rack handy
  • 6] The internet is god
  • 7] Your next-door neighbours like 80’s hair rock, and are quite possibly deaf.
  • 8] You are paying a large amount of money for a very nice car to sit on your driveway.

AND it has also really shown up that your ‘home office’ is great for a hour when you get back in the evening, or for a few hours on Saturday – but for a full working day it needs some tweaks.

Apart from the obvious (comfy seat, better desk, less storage boxes/Star Wars collectables and kids junk) – there are some actual alterations that can be made to make your home office life so much better.

Typical tidy home office situation

Blinds pulled down – not a great place to spend all day

Reduce heat and glare through your windows

Often the home office is a small room – so if the sun is out it’s likely it will get very warm very quickly and stay that way. Hot and sweaty.

The sunlight also streams onto your PC screen, tablet, phone, or TV making them impossible to see properly. The glare at this time of year hurts eyes and makes concentrating difficult.

Of course you can pull the curtains or blinds if you have them – but then you’re working in a sort of black hole – which isn’t very pleasant either.

A simple and effective solution is solar control window film form Durable.

It can cut out up to 80% of heat and glare and almost completely eradicate harmful UV rays too.


Another issue with your home office may be that it is visible or over-looked by neighbours or passers-by.

Maybe you don’t have valuables on display, and perhaps the nature of your on-screen material is not sensitive, liable to breech the official secrets act or of a strictly adult nature – but it’s nice not to be gawped at or have all your washing on show – so to speak.

Having what looks like expensive kit clearly visible does present a gift to potential burglars or opportunistic thieves.

Once again Durable have the perfect solution: Privacy window film.

From opaque, frosted or mirrored to a partially obscured or more graphic finish – privacy film can not only add security and peace of mind but also looks great.

Karen at No:24 just checking whether you’ve logged out or not


We won’t be locked-down forever, and you may go back to using your home office to watch catch-up TV or online shopping rather than cracking on with your day job – but whatever you use it for it will be greatly enhanced and a much more usable space than it was before.

Feel more at home in your home office with window film from Durable.


We’re good with glass.