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Posted on - August 13, 202035 degrees in London! Mini heatwave. Sweltering hot across the whole of the UK.
No doubt about it – this summer is weird.
2020 keeps on surprising us.
We’ve had unprecedented temperatures.
It’s very hot.
Everyone is walking around wearing masks.
People still trying to socially distance whilst being urged to get back to work and ‘normal’ life.

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And here’s the thing. Getting back to work is going to be tricky for many – and different for us all. But one thing will be the same;
Your workplace will suffer from heat and glare through your windows!
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Most modern buildings use a lot of glass in their construction. It provides an airy, pleasant environment – letting as much natural light into the building as possible.
Which is great. Until the sun’s out.
Then all that glass acts like a greenhouse – magnifying the heat and trapping it inside.
It raises temperatures to uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous levels.
Research has shown that the risk of accidents and injuries at work when the temperature rises increase.

Productivity drops along with concentration levels as the heat makes working unbearable.
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There is a simple and efficient solution.
Solar Control Window Film professionally installed by Durable.
Window film can reduce heat and glare by up to 90% and almost completely eradicates harmful UV rays.
It’s relatively quick and easy to install with minimal down-time or disruption, maintains high levels of natural light penetration – and once applied it’s often almost invisible from the inside and stylish from outside.

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So – don’t sweat it!
Don’t put up with the summer sun upsetting your customers, clients, colleagues and crew.
No need for anyone to get too hot in the office – or the factory, or warehouse, or hospital or shop or restaurant or school.
Keep cool with solar control window film from Durable.
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Durable have been in the business for over 50 years.
We are the oldest window film company in Europe.
We are very good with glass.
We are trusted partners with the likes of English Heritage, MoD and the National Trust.
There is not much we don’t know about managing problems with glass.
Call or email durable today to find out how we can help you with your solar control issues.