Risk it – for a biscuit? Play safe with Durable
Posted on - October 3, 2019Don’t take any chances – get peace of mind with a Durable glass audit.
Our Glass Audit service ensures the glazing in your building is safe, legal, and fit-for-purpose.
Risk assessment
Take Reading University for example.
They recently asked Durable to survey and risk assess 46 of their buildings over 2 campus’s – at Whiteknights and London road – having worked with us previously on their Henley Campus to gain glazing compliance and meet the Work Place Regulations, specifically Regulation 14.

We individually assessed each building and produced a unique report showing which glazing met with compliance levels and which did not, along with an action plan to upgrade to meet the necessary requirements.
[Please ask for our guide to this legislation]
All 46 buildings have now been upgraded with a simple 100 micron clear
safety film where appropriate – and a combination film in those areas such as lecture rooms where the sun was causing over-heating or glare.

All this was completed on time and on budget – ensuring that the staff, visitors and students alike are safe, and the University has meets its statutory compliance for glazing in the work place.

The University of Reading London Road campus is on the site of what was originally the family home of George Palmer of Huntley and Palmers Biscuits – and was eventually bequeathed to the university by George’s son Alfred.
Huntley and Palmer’s was once the world’s largest biscuit factory.
At their height, they employed over 5,000 people and in 1900 were the world’s largest biscuit firm
The Palmers were notable local figures in Reading who generously gave money and land to Reading, including Palmer Park and the town was often known as “biscuit town”. Reading F.C. football team was also known as the “biscuit men”.
Of course Robert Palmer was a singer and musician famous for the songs ‘Some Guys Have All The Luck’, ‘Addicted To Love’ and ‘Simply Irresistible’
Here he is with Elkie Brookes in 70’s rock outfit Vinegar Joe…
Yeah, I know “never heard of ‘em” but they were actually quite good.
Here’s another clip
Later he went on to record a few hits (notably ‘Some Like It Hot’ and TRex cover ‘Get It On’) with The Power Station – a band formed with Ex Duran Duran members John and Andy Taylor.
Some Like It Hot – check the video here and our blog of the same name here.
Oh – and of course check out Addicted To Love too 🙂
So – don’t fret about the state of your glazing.
Grab a cup of tea and a biscuit and let Durable sort it out 🙂