Posted on - March 6, 2023Don’t risk it – get a full glazing safety audit from Durable and make sure all of you glass is safe and fit for purpose.
Anyone responsible for buildings where staff, public, children, etc are at risk need to ensure they are compliant with safety regulations.
Check out this article from the Eastern Daily Press
Norfolk headteachers have been told to check the safety of glazing in their schools after a girl was hurt when her hand went through a glass panel that did not have a protective film.
The accident at Valley Primary School, in west Norwich, happened on April 28, and, according to information Norfolk County Council sent to all schools, the girl suffered “significant cuts to her hand and forearm as result of running into a fire door and her hand going through a glass panel”
The bulletin said a sticker on the glass panel in the door indicated that a safety film, which would have prevented the glass from shattering, had been applied, but it later turned out it had not.
A council spokesman said: “We are pleased to report the pupil concerned is now back at school.
“Norfolk County Council has a policy of requiring schools to ensure safety glazing is in place where necessary and we have urged all schools to recheck the glazing in their buildings in accordance with this policy.”
The council reported the incident to the Health and Safety Executive, whose inspector Paul Carter said: “Given the nature of the incident, which did not meet the incident selection criteria, the internal investigation, and action taken to re-inspect the glazing throughout the school to ensure it was correctly filmed, an investigation was not required.”
The council bulletin, sent out earlier this month, said “all schools must check their glazing in critical areas” by tomorrow.
The school did not response to a request for comment.
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