Too much glare in your office?
Posted on - June 28, 2022At this time of the year excessive sunlight can be a real problem – shining directly into your workplace, rendering computer screens hard to see and making life uncomfortable for your colleagues and employees.
Sure — you can pull the blinds (if you have them), but it’s not a great fix, and ideally you’d like the sunlight to shine in — just not at the expense of the working environment.
It’s not good for your customers and clients either. The unpleasant environment does nothing to help a presentation or sales pitch.
Receptionists are often worst hit. Not only do they have to deal with the problem of computer screens being impossible to see — but also having the sun’s rays directly in their face all day.
Modern offices with all their ‘walls of glass’ are attractive and impressive — but they can be impractical as working environments.
Contemporary designed offices and developments tend to be mostly glass. Which is great for both internal and external style, and of course allows loads of natural daylight to penetrate inside.
BUT — there is a downside…
The sun beating through windows and glazed areas can cause massive problems.
Quite apart from the obvious discomfort – glare in the eyes, on PC, mobile and TV screens, etc – the associated heat can raise tempers as well as temperatures, and is proven to adversely affect productivity, and increase the risk of injuries.
Older buildings – often now used as commercial offices too – were never designed to cope with the rigours of modern living and historically had no means of managing the problems connected with strong sunlight through windows.
Good news!
Our range of solar control window films are the best solution by far. And they can have additional benefits. Combination films can provide safety, security, or privacy benefits too.
Hi-tech composition allows window film to reduce glare and heat by up to 90%, whilst cutting out harmful UV rays.
Quick, simple, and cost effective
Window film is relatively quick to install, has minimal impact to surrounding infrastructure and the work can be carried out with minimal downtime.
Many older buildings are listed or protected in some way – so keeping the appearance and not interfering with the fabric of the building is essential.
Durable are the oldest window film company in Europe, with over 50 years in the business and are the experts on all glazing issues. Anything you need to know about your glass — ask us.
We can provide a full glass audit too — a complete survey to make sure all your glass is safe, compliant, and fit for purpose.
Whatever your problem with glass — Durable have the experience and know-how to fix it.
We are an authority on glass issues, trusted by the likes of the MoD, English Heritage, National Trust and more.
Call us
Durable — good with glass
0118 989 5201 | mail@durable.co.uk