Too much hot air…?
Posted on - June 17, 2020We’ve had some cracking weather recently – and according to the Met Office there’s loads more to come this summer.
But wait – we’re all just going back to work now.
So instead of having a beer in the garden, going to the beach or picnicking with [socially distanced] friends we are back in the stuffy old office.
The forecast is for more hot air than a Boris Johnson speech.
Instead of enjoying the sunshine – we’re enduring it.
Yes – because of Coronavirus things are going to be a bit different at work for the foreseeable – and quite rightly too – but what will be the same is the unpleasant heat and glare that most workplaces suffer when the sun is shining through the windows.
Keeping 2 metres apart [and I have to say there seem to be a lot of people who have no idea how much two metres is if my recent foray to the shops is anything to go by] is tricky enough – but the impact on the workplace is going to be difficult to manage.
Not least because the limited room for manoeuvre might mean that you are sitting or working even closer to a window, and unable to move away from the unpleasant heat.

Hot and bothered
It can get very hot and sweaty and generally uncomfortable.
It’s dangerous too.
Not good for business – and if you are an employer whose workforce are uncomfortable due to extreme heat – productivity drops and workplace accidents soar.
Read this article from the Telegraph here
Research has shown that workplace accidents sharply increase when air temperatures are high.

The heat can adversely affect concentration levels, induce headaches and have a negative impact on productivity.
Seems like when your people are too hot, they can’t concentrate — they’re unhappy, uncomfortable and unproductive.
The durable solution
The solution may be as simple as the installation of solar control window film.
High tech window films are amazingly good at managing the adverse effects of the sun through windows.
They can reduce the amount of heat and glare by up to 80%, and pretty much eradicate harmful UV rays completely.
With little or no down-time and minimal disruption during installation – it is applied directly on to the glass — it does not affect the fabric of the building in any way.
No need to get all hot under the collar!
Whether you are a white, blue or brown collar worker you’ll benefit from window film.
Offices, Warehouses, Hospitals, Factories, Schools, Retail premises – window film can make a difference whatever your situation.
Talking of collars – there’s a saying that ‘dogs die in hot cars’ – it neatly illustrates the exact same problem – the sun through glass heats up the air and traps it in – creating an unbearable environment.
Why not simply fix the problem with the application of hi-tech window film – professionally installed by Durable?

So, what are you waiting for?
Get in touch with one of our knowledgeable, experienced and friendly team and find out how we can help.
We have been in the business for over 50 years.
We are the oldest window film company in Europe.
We are very good with glass.
Don’t sweat it! Get yourself sorted today.