TV Trouble
Posted on - November 6, 2017You’re relaxing at home.
It’s a lovely day and you just thought you’d have a cuppa and watch a ‘catch-up’ of Corry.
But it’s nigh-on impossible!
Roy’s come a cropper.
You don’t know Ken Barlow from Adam.
It’s the worst picture Eva!
The sun is belting through all your windows and completely obliterating whatever’s on screen.
The glare is so bad it hurts. Don’t be a Norris and just sit there complaining — get Durable in!
These lovely customers did just that.
Their place was a long way from Jack and Vera’s (RIP) terrace – a very upmarket country home in Hertfordshire.
The ‘Orangery’ (cos let’s face it the average Corry viewer will have one of those…) was built on to the side of the property some 2 years ago.
However — there were problems viewing the television because of the glare and the build-up of heat in the new space — making it very uncomfortable.
We installed True Vue 15 onto the windows.
This will now control the heat, glare and UV passing into this lovely new area.
Making the space a more inviting and usable place — whatever the sun decides to do.
Webster’s Dictionary (that’s the official tome not something knocked up by Sally..) defines it as this:
l/ adjective
1. 1. (especially of clothes or furnishings) providing physical ease and relaxation. “comfortable sturdy shoes” synonyms: cosy, snug, warm, pleasant, enjoyable, agreeable, congenial, plush, well furnished;